Sunday, March 10, 2013


I kept feeling like I was supposed to re-post this post from our personal private blog, so here it is...  I wrote these thoughts quite some time ago...  March 2,  2010 to be exact...right around the time that we first decided to look into adoption...  Isn't crazy how you can write something, have an experience with it and then go back and it is all new to you again like you never wrote

As I looked up the video to this post (linked below) It felt so different to me...I instantly thought about our quest to grow our family and how I have prayed and prayed and prayed and how my prayers have grown but then when I read my words below they truly felt profound...I am truly grateful for the peace prayer has given me...

Prayer is the one thing that no matter how alone we may feel or how bad a situation may be that we always have access to...We may not always get the answers we want but we always feel comfort from the Lord...

"Miracle's are wrought through Prayer"

March 2, 2010
I just listened to this little Mormon message and President Thomas S. Monson spoke about prayer. It spoke about how prayer changes things and he said that "Miracle's are wrought through prayer." It is interesting that I just listened to this message because last week I was reading an old Ensign from 2007 and it was speaking about prayer and really hit home to me. It said how Prayer many times isn't about praying for everything that we is about communicating with Heavenly Father so that we can be at peace and one with what he wants for us and then and only then are we able to ask for what he wants to Bless us with....The blessings are there we just have to align ourselves properly for it.

** to Pause the music on this blog scroll down and on right side you will see the playlist**

**I think this is the Ensign article I was referencing as well...**

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What's mine is yours...

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